You have read the “science papers”? As another respondent suggests, the recent IPCC report on climate is the most recent and authoritative science. I look forward to reading your next article after you have read that report.
My own sense of urgency on climate comes from the evidence that we are approaching carbon tipping points which will lead to massive natural dumps of carbon into the atmosphere, and once these have been reached human efforts to halt climate change will be futile:
1. The melting of arctic permafrost releasing massive stores of methane - a potent GHG
2. Melting Arctic sea ice, which reflects sunlight. When the sun hits open water or land instead, warming will increase throughout the arctic
3. Tropical forests turning into savanna, unlocking all the stores of carbon in the jungles.
There are about ten of these tipping points, and they will bring climate change on fast and furious Here is a great, solution oriented book with all the science: