This is the most hilarious “review” of Paris I have eager read. As one who lives in Paris a few months a year, it’s like a parody of an American tourist visiting the city.
Imagine this as a review of New York: “I didn’t like the city because it was so crowded. I wanted the people to be friendly, but everyone seemed in such a rush. Went out late at night and when I went down a dark alley I got mugged. I went into a store, and the salespeople were so pushy, they just tried to sell me stuff. The buildings were so tall, I hurt my neck from looking up.”
Please, do go back to Paris. But if you to the most stereotypical things, you will be treated as a stereotypical tourist. So explore, wander, sit in a quiet cafe and watch people. Bring a lover and fall deeper in love. experience Paris, don’t just visit.
Ps, I hated Paris on my first visit, aged 21. I returned with the woman I loved at age 40, and found myself enchanted. Now, I live here part of the year (with her) and simply adore the city - flaws and all, Paris is magnificent.