Thanks Tim. On the overhyped internet - I remember the bubble created by internet stocks. Everyone was investing in anything, including problem with zero knowledge, and it seemed every was getting rich. Then, Petsmart and a bunch of other stocks crashed when it was clear they had no idea what they were doing. It turns out naive optimism was what really fueled the boom.
Today, the internet has changed everything, but really made just a few people very rich. A lot of people work longer hours for lower pay. Globalization of services has been a boon for developing countries and put more of us deeper in debt.
Don’t get me wrong, personally have benefited a lot from the Internet. But it was not the Brave New World predicted in the 1990s. AI will probably change everything — but I feel it is already being driven by people who aren’t considering what is good for us, but rather, what is possible. Including AI military technology. And, why the quest to build an intelligence smarter than we are, instead of perhaps an intelligence more ethical that we are? How can an AI that learns on the Internet possibly be benevolent?
Now I’m just ranting, I know.