Thank you Bob. Eloquently stated, and I will read Paul’s book. The question you raise about labeling fascism as evil - in a world without a god who defines evil for us - is problematic. Is evil just what we “feel” is wrong? Obviously fascists exploit the hell out of Liberal secularists who struggle with questions of relativism. So, what exactly is it that we can point to and say “THIS is evil?” I think this comes down to use and abuse of power. As other writers, including George Orwell have written, the cruelty is the point. Fascism glorifies cruelty against the other as an expression of its power. So, He horrors we are discovering in Ukraine are the point of the invasion. The point is to crush your enemies, to create a divisive world of us and them. Fascism is, this a zero-sum power game in which the only goal is to concentrate power and display it brutally. This, I believe, is what makes it evil.