Jules, I found the question you posed, and you interview with Andrew really interesting, and important - both from the inside (should "spiritual people" dedicate themselves to political ends?) and from the outside (should others beware of "spiritual people" who enter politics with a sense of divine mission)?
Indeed, Crusaders, Inquisitors, Conquistadors and Qanon supporters have all done terrible things in the name of their religion.
But then...MLK, Gandhi, the Dalai Lama - as A.H. mentions. So, There is a key distinction to be made, that I think Andrew says well at in your interview:
"When you think you are enlightened you are lost."
Honestly though, many "spiritual hippies" say something like this, while acting like they have the Ten commandments in their back pocket. So, yes, much to beware of.
I would encourage you to explore this issue further, and recommend an author-friend of mine, John Robinson. He is the author of Mystical Activism. A retired psychologist and pastor, John's book talks about the importance of a deep spiritual connection with the world as requiring an activist response: you feel deeply moved to act to make the world a better place. (He also talks about how mystical is not a rare and elite experienced but something almost everyone can touch for themselves).
I would be happy to connect you. (I'm also John's publisher) Please send me a note.