John, rather than see this as clumsy, I wonder if the Chinese actually sent this up as a “trial balloon” to see how the US would respond. They can say oops! Weather balloon - and see how we take this lie.
Why would they do this? I take it as a clear sign they are ready to challenge US global military dominance. By that, I can imagine they want to be treated as equals (for now). The US sends military aircraft into Chinese Territory - because of course they consider the waters around Taiwan part of China. The consider the US far more provocative, because they have the power to be. At China strengthens, it stretches, and see itself supplanting the US eventually. RETURNING to its pre-colonial era status as the greatest power on earth. We want the. To play fair. They hear, we want them to play by our rules.
They want to rewrite the rules.
So, let’s not be fools in dealing with China. I believe Chinese authoritarianism is a terrible system of government. And that they see themselves inevitability supplanting American hegemony. They will keep pushing.
Meanwhile, the House Republicans want the US to default on its debt. They have no clue what creature is scraping at our door.