Hi Tessa, you are right - the other writer was unkind and unjust towards you - critiquing ideas are fair game in Medium comments, but not name calling. You've made me reassess, and after I hear back from you, I will delete my original response to her. I did like her directness, but, manners! And I clearly forgot mine in my original comment. I'm sorry.
To your other point about nothing we do about Climate Change will affect us in our lifetimes, well, that I believe is in error. But not in the way one might think!
MY eyes were opened by a book called Cut Super Climate Pollutants NOW! By three experts who explain the impacts of Methane, soot and refrigerants as powerful short term drivers of climate change. (Disclosure: I am the publisher, and urged them to wrote this book) One of the authors, Alan Miller, writes for Medium and he is worth following. He's written some posts that will give you the gist of his ideas. The book is available for under $10 as an ebook. I think you would like it--and it would certainly be worth reading as you intend to write on the topic of impacts in our lifetime.