Hi Spike, as you know, I am always a huge fan of you dark, I chicks comedy - well, okay, it’s imply factual reporting about Trump and Republicans You don’t make any of this shit up! I would urge you, however, to avoid contributing to Trump’s misinformation campaign by repeating, as you do here several times, his and the media’s inaccurate slurs that Biden’s birthday in any way affects his performance as president.
Here’s why: it’s called the illusion of truth. When a lie is repeated again and again, it starts to seem true, even to those who know damn well that it isn’t. Even when written with satirical intent, you are unintentionally reinforcing the lie. So, please don’t play into their hands.
One can also make the case that those critical of Biden for his birthday as ageist. Where is the evidence that on matters of substance, Biden has been anything less than fully in command of the details that matters as he worked with a difficult senate to pass major legislation?
My two cents.