Hi Jesse,
<<Remove focus and pressure from what you want>>
Lovely, pithy advice. You distilled a lifetime into this sentence. I have often struggled with the positive thinking mantra that by focusing on what you want, you "manifest it" in the world. felt there was something too it, but hated the formulaic way Americans tried to turn it into a spiritual format for getting rich without work.
My insight âme rom a friande who teaches hi-speed defensive driving to CIA and military types. He said, "The car goes where you are looking." It you won't want to crash into the wall, don't look at the wall. Look for the path where you want the car to go!"
It hit me that this was the problem - people thought they could materialise money by visualising it. But, they were actually focusing on their lack of money, and their pain because they lacked money. Wham. They hit the wall. The visualised a perfect relationship because they were lonely. Wham, they hit the wall.
What you discovered about removing focus and pressure seems like a way to remedy this horrible accidental way we miss understand our relationship with the universe. And, like you, I do believe we have a relationships with the universe that's way more mysterious than any of us really grasp.
Thank you for sharing your journey with your friends on Medium, Jesse. It's real stuff!